The Stanley Lab

Publications list
Please click on journal name for a link to the paper
Lab members in bold
Boakye, R.G., Combey, R., White, B. & Stanley, D.A. (2024) Relationships between flower-visiting insects and forest cover in cocoa-growing landscapes in Ghana. Landscape Ecology, 39, 199.
Straw, E.A. & Stanley, D.A. An introduction to bee and pesticide research. Journal of Applied Ecology
Bucher, R., Batáry, P., Baudry, J., Beaumelle, L., Čerevková, A., de la Riva, E.G., Dirilgen, T., Gallé, R., Kesse-Guyot, E., Rembiałkowska, E., Rusch, A., Stanley, D.A., Ulrich, W. & Birkhofer, K. Functional diversity of ground beetles improved aphid control but did not increase crop yields on European farms. Ecological Applications, n/a, e3035.
Straw, E.A. & Stanley, D.A. (2024) A dataset exploring the substantial diversity of pesticide products: Insights from the UK and Ireland. Data in Brief, 56, 110843.
Coppinger, C.R. & Stanley, D.A. (2023) The breeding systems and floral visitors of two widespread African dry forest species of ethnobotanical significance. PLoS ONE, 18, e0292929.
Boakye, R.G., Stanley, D.A. & White, B. (2023) Honey contamination from plant protection products approved for cocoa (Theobroma cacao) cultivation: A systematic review of existing research and methods. PLoS ONE, 18, e0280175.
Straw, E.A. & Stanley, D.A. (2023) Weak evidence base for bee protective pesticide mitigation measures. Journal of Economic Entomology, 116, 1604-1612.
Leclercq, N., Marshall, L., Weekers, T., Basu, P., Benda, D., Bevk, D., Bhattacharya, R., Bogusch, P., Bontšutšnaja, A., Bortolotti, L., Cabirol, N., Calderón-Uraga, E., Carvalho, R., Castro, S., Chatterjee, S., De La Cruz Alquicira, M., de Miranda, J.R., Dirilgen, T., Dorchin, A., Dorji, K., Drepper, B., Flaminio, S., Gailis, J., Galloni, M., Gaspar, H., Gikungu, M.W., Hatteland, B.A., Hinojosa-Diaz, I., Hostinská, L., Howlett, B.G., Hung, K.L.J., Hutchinson, L., Jesus, R.O., Karklina, N., Khan, M.S., Loureiro, J., Men, X., Molenberg, J.M., Mudri-Stojnić, S., Nikolic, P., Normandin, E., Osterman, J., Ouyang, F., Oygarden, A.S., Ozolina-Pole, L., Ozols, N., Parra Saldivar, A., Paxton, R.J., Pitts-Singer, T., Poveda, K., Prendergast, K., Quaranta, M., Read, S.F.J., Reinhardt, S., Rojas-Oropeza, M., Ruiz, C., Rundlöf, M., Sade, A., Sandberg, C., Sgolastra, F., Shah, S.F., Shebl, M.A., Soon, V., Stanley, D.A., Straka, J., Theodorou, P., Tobajas, E., Vaca-Uribe, J.L., Vera, A., Villagra, C.A., Williams, M.K., Wolowski, M., Wood, T.J., Yan, Z., Zhang, Q. & Vereecken, N.J. (2023) Global taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of bees in apple orchards. Science of the Total Environment, 901, 165933.
Dozier, A.E., Straw, E.A. & Stanley, D.A. Systematic review of cuckoo bumblebee research reveals data gaps and understudied species. Ecological Entomology
Karbassioon, A. & Stanley, D.A. (2023) Exploring relationships between time of day and pollinator activity in the context of pesticide use. Basic and Applied Ecology. Pre-proof
O’Reilly, A. & Stanley D.A. (2023) Non-neonicotinoid pesticides impact bumblebee activity and pollen provisioning. Journal of Applied Ecology. 60, 8
de la Riva, E.G., Ulrich, W., Batáry, P., Baudry, J., Beaumelle, L., Bucher, R., Čerevková, A., Felipe-Lucia, M.R., Gallé, R., Kesse-Guyot, E., Rembiałkowska, E., Rusch, A., Seufert, V., Stanley, D. & Birkhofer, K. (2023) From functional diversity to human well-being: A conceptual framework for agroecosystem sustainability. Agricultural Systems, 208, 103659.
Dirilgen, T., Herbertsson, L., O’Reilly, A.D., Mahon, N. & Stanley, D.A. (2023) Moving past neonicotinoids and honeybees: A systematic review of existing research on other insecticides and bees. Environmental Research 235,116612
O’Reilly, A. & Stanley D.A. (2023) Solitary bee behaviour and pollination service delivery is differentially impacted by neonicotinoid and pyrethroid insecticides. Science of the Total Environment, 894, 164399
Karbassioon, A., Yearsley, J., Dirilgen, T., Hodge, S., Stout, J.C. & Stanley, D.A. (2023) Responses in honeybee and bumblebee activity to changes in weather conditions. Oecologia, 201, 689-701.
Straw, E.A., Kelly, E. & Stanley, D.A. (2023) Self-reported assessment of compliance with pesticide rules. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 254, 114692.
Cullen, M.G., Bliss, L., Stanley, D.A. & Carolan, J.C. (2023) Investigating the effects of glyphosate on the bumblebee proteome and microbiota. Science of the Total Environment, 864, 161074.
Larkin, M. & Stanley, D.A. (2023) Impacts of local and landscape grassland management on the structure of plant-pollinator networks. Basic and Applied Ecology.
Burns, K.L.W. & Stanley, D.A. (2023) Irish faba beans (Fabales: Fabaceae) depend on wild bumblebee pollination for marketable yields. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 25, 312-322.
Coppinger, C.R., Gorman, M., Markey, A. & Stanley, D.A. (2023) Are indicators useful for measuring and supporting the sustainability of forest use? A Zambian case study. Forest Policy and Economics, 149, 102926.
Thompson, L.J., Stout, J.C. & Stanley, D.A. (2023) Contrasting effects of fungicide and herbicide active ingredients and their formulations on bumblebee learning and behaviour. Journal of Experimental Biology, 226.
Ulrich, W., Batáry, P., Baudry, J., Beaumelle, L., Bucher, R., Čerevková, A., de la Riva, E.G., Felipe-Lucia, M.R., Gallé, R., Kesse-Guyot, E., Rembiałkowska, E., Rusch, A., Stanley, D.A. & Birkhofer, K. (2023) From biodiversity to health: Quantifying the impact of diverse ecosystems on human well-being. People and Nature, 5, 69-83.
Russo, L., Fitzpatrick, Ú., Larkin, M., Mullen, S., Power, E., Stanley, D.A., White, C., O'Rourke, A. & Stout, J.C. (2022) Conserving diversity in Irish plant–pollinator networks. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e9347.
Thompson, L.J., Smith, S., Stout, J.C., White, B., Zioga, E. & Stanley, D.A. (2022) Bumblebees can be exposed to the herbicide glyphosate when foraging. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Ollerton et al (including Stanley D.A.) (2022) Pollinator-flower interactions in gardens during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown of 2020. Journal of Pollination Ecology, 31, 87-96.
López-Ballesteros, A., Delaney, A., Quirke, J., Stout, J.C., Saunders, M., Carolan, J.C., White, B. & Stanley, D.A. (2022) Assessing availability of European plant protection product data: an example evaluating basic area treated. PeerJ, 10, e13586.
Burns K.L.W., Stanley D.A. (2022) The importance and value of insect pollination to apples: A regional case study of key cultivars. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 331:107911
Allen-Perkins, A. & many authors (including Stanley, D.A., O'Reilly A. and Burns, K.L.W) (2022) CropPol: A dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. Ecology, 103, e3614.
Mesnage, R., Straw, E.A., Antoniou, M.N., Benbrook, C., Brown, M.J.F., Chauzat, M.-P., Finger, R., Goulson, D., Leadbeater, E., López-Ballesteros, A., Möhring, N., Neumann, P., Stanley, D.A., Stout, J.C., Thompson, L.J., Topping, C.J., White, B., Zaller, J.G., Zioga, E., 2021. Improving pesticide-use data for the EU. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Stanley D.A. & Cosnett E. (2021) Catching the thief: Nectar robbing behaviour by bumblebees on naturalised Fuchsia magellanica in Ireland Journal of Pollination Ecology 29:240-248 doi:10.26786/1920-7603(2021)620
Larkin, M. & Stanley, D.A. (2021) Impacts of management at a local and landscape scale on pollinators in semi-natural grasslands Journal of Applied Ecology
Burns K.L.W, Fitzpatrick Ú, Stanley D.A. (2021) Public perceptions of Ireland’s pollinators: A case for more inclusive pollinator conservation initiatives Journal for Nature Conservation 61:125999
Phelan N, Suddaby D, Stanley D.A. (2021) Investigating the ecology of the Great Yellow Bumblebee (Bombus distinguendus) within the wider bumblebee community in North-West Ireland Journal of Insect Conservation doi:10.1007/s10841-021-00299-7
Stanley D.A., Msweli S.M., Johnson S.D. (2020) Native honeybees as flower visitors and pollinators in wild plant communities in a biodiversity hotspot. Ecosphere 11:e02957
Cullen, M. G.*, Thompson, L.J.*, Carolan, J.C., Stout, J.C. and Stanley, D.A. (2019). Fungicides, herbicides and bees: A systematic review of existing research and methods. PLoS ONE 14:e0225743. *these authors contributed equally to the work
Dainese, M., Martin, E., [+ 102 authors including Stanley, D.A.], and Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2019) A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production. Science Advances 5:eaax0121.
Woodcock, B.A., Garratt, M.P.D., Powney, G.D., Shaw, R.F., Osborne, J.L., Soroka, J., Lindström, S.A.M., Stanley, D.A., Ouvrard, P., Edwards, M.E., Jauker, F., McCracken, M.E., Zou, Y., Potts, S.G., Rundlöf, M., Noriega, J.A., Greenop, A., Smith, H.G., Bommarco, R., van der Werf, W., Stout, J.C., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Morandin, L., Bullock, J.M. and Pywell, R.F. (2019) Meta-analysis reveals that pollinator functional diversity and abundance enhance crop pollination and yield. Nature Communications 10(1), 1481.
Coppinger, C.R., Ellender, B.R., Stanley, D.A. and Osborne, J. (2019) Insights into the impacts of rural honey hunting in Zambia. African Journal of Ecology Early view online
Stanley, D. A., and N. E. Raine (2017) Bumblebee colony development following chronic exposure to field-realistic levels of the neonicotinoid pesticide thiamethoxam under laboratory conditions. Scientific Reports 7:800
Johnson, S.D., Moré, M., Amorim, F.W., Haber, W.A., Frankie, G.W., Stanley, D.A., Coccuci, A.A. & Raguso, R.A. (2016) The long and the short of it: a global analysis of hawkmoth pollination niches and interaction networks. Functional Ecology, 31, 101-115
Stanley, D.A., Otieno, M., Steijven, K., Berlin, E.S., Piironen, T., Willmer, P. Nuttman, C.V. (2016) Pollination ecology of Desmodium setigerum (Fabaceae) in Uganda; do big bees do it better? Journal of Pollination Ecology, 19
Stanley, D.A., Russell, A.L., Morrison, S.J., Rogers, C. & Raine, N.E. (2016) Investigating the impacts of field-realistic exposure to a neonicotinoid pesticide on bumblebee foraging, homing ability and colony growth. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53, 1440–1449 Open access
Stanley, D.A., Raine, N.E. (2016) Chronic exposure to a neonicotinoid pesticide alters the interactions between bumblebees and wild plants. Functional Ecology, 30, 1132-1139 Open access
Rader, R., Bartomeus, I., Garibaldi, L.A., Garratt, M.P.D., Howlett, B.G., Winfree, R., Cunningham, S.A., Mayfield, M.M., Arthur, A.D., Andersson, G.K.S., Bommarco, R., Brittain, C., Carvalheiro, L.G., Chacoff, N.P., Entling, M.H., Foully, B., Freitas, B.M., Gemmill-Herren, B., Ghazoul, J., Griffin, S.R., Gross, C.L., Herbertsson, L., Herzog, F., Hipólito, J., Jaggar, S., Jauker, F., Klein, A.-M., Kleijn, D., Krishnan, S., Lemos, C.Q., Lindström, S.A.M., Mandelik, Y., Monteiro, V.M., Nelson, W., Nilsson, L., Pattemore, D.E., de O. Pereira, N., Pisanty, G., Potts, S.G., Reemer, M., Rundlöf, M., Sheffield, C.S., Scheper, J., Schüepp, C., Smith, H.G., Stanley, D.A., Stout, J.C., Szentgyörgyi, H., Taki, H., Vergara, C.H., Viana, B.F. & Woyciechowski, M. (2016) Non-bee insects are important contributors to global crop pollination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 146-151
Stanley, D.A., Garratt, M.P.D., Wickens, J.B., Wickens, V.J., Potts, S.G. & Raine, N.E. (2015) Neonicotinoid pesticide exposure impairs crop pollination services provided by bumblebees. Nature, 528, 548-550.
Stanley, D.A.*, Smith, K.E.* & Raine, N.E. (2015) Bumblebee learning and memory is impaired by chronic exposure to a neonicotinoid pesticide. Scientific Reports, 5, 16508. Open access * these authors contributed equally to the work
Stanley D.A. & Stout J.C. (2014) Pollinator sharing between a mass-flowering entomophilous crop (oilseed rape) and co-flowering wild plants. Plant Ecology, 215, 315-325
Bourke, D., Stanley, D.A., O’Rourke, E., Thompson, R., Emmerson, E., Dauber, J., Carnus, T., Whelan, P., Hecq, F., Flynn, E., Dolan, L., Stout, J.C. (2014) Effects of bioenergy crops on farmland biodiversity – crop type and landscape context interactions. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 6, 275-289
Stanley D.A., Gunning, D., Stout J.C. (2013) Pollinators and pollination of oilseed rape crops in Ireland; an economic incentive for pollinator conservation in farmland. Journal of Insect Conservation.17, 1181-1189
Stanley D.A., Knight, M.E. & Stout J.C. (2013). Ecological variation in response to mass-flowering oilseed rape and surrounding landscape composition by members of a cryptic bumblebee complex. PLOS ONE 8:6 e65516. Open access
Stanley, D.A. & Stout, J.C. (2013). Quantifying the impacts of bioenergy crops on pollinating insect abundance and diversity: a field scale evaluation reveals taxon-specific responses. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50, 335-344
Dietzsch, A.C., Stanley, D.A., Stout, J.C. (2011). Relative abundance of an invasive alien plant affects native pollination processes. Oecologia, 1-11.
Willmer, P., Stanley, D.A., Steijven, K., Matthews, I.M., Nuttman, C.V. (2009). Bidirectional flower color and shape changes allow a second opportunity for pollination. Current Biology 19, 919-923